2017Vineyard Report Turpan-Hami basin:It's time to debury vines after the spring equinox
2017-04-21 16:46 Source£º
www.winechina.com Author:
Li Lingfeng Translator:
When spring equinox comes,winter disappear.It's time to debury vines in Turpan-Hami basin.The climate in Turpan is hotter than northern part of Xinjiang.Vines for table and wine grapes start to debury.

Wine chateau industrial zone is seven kilometers away Turpan city.The debury work has almost finished.The highest temperature reach to 21 degrees,almond trees near the vineyards all blossom.Because of weather conditions,debury work in Turpan Shanshan region was delayed about one week.Chateau Loulan started on March 25th.

Industrial zone is located in turpan city seven kilometers wineries in completed work, unearthed from part YaBao has appeared on the green branches, the highest temperature of 21 degrees, local vineyards around blossoms have. Turpan shanshan district recently the weather changes, the vineyard unearthed delay a week, on March 25, is expected to begin unearthed in loulan chateau vineyards.
The debury time for Hami vineyards is early April.