2017 Vineyard Report:Jiaodong Region
Date£º 2017-04-19 10:10  Source£º www.winechina.com    Author: Li Lingfeng   Translator:
  In Jiaodong region,Spring pruning started early in late February.In mid April,vines would bud.


2017 Vineyard Report:Jiaodong region

Chateau Junding


In early 2017,Penglai region has held two technical trainings lectured by domestic wine experts Zhan Jicheng and Li Hua. Spring pruning starts in end February.




2017 Vineyard Report:Jiaodong region

Chateau Huadong Parry


Qingdao Chateau Huadong Parry protect their vine roots with earth in winter.In Mid-February,they remove earth and start spring pruning. Vines will start to bud in mid April.

(More information,please read the original text in Chinese:http://www.winechina.com/html/2017/03/201703289332.html)

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