——ASC Fine Wines and Yalumba Reaffirm Commitment to Chinese Market with Wine Australia Roadshow Participation
2024-08-26 15:52:48
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  (中国上海 – 2024年8月21日)– ASC精品酒业与澳大利亚久负盛名的葡萄酒品牌御兰堡酒庄,欣然重申他们对中国市场的承诺。在澳大利亚葡萄酒惩罚性进口关税最近被取消后,御兰堡酒庄将重塑其在中国的市场地位,为中国消费者带来澳大利亚优质的葡萄酒。

  (Shanghai, China – August 21, 2024) – ASC Fine Wines and Yalumba, one of Australia’s most prestigious wine brands, are pleased to announce their renewed commitment to the Chinese market. Following the recent removal of punitive import tariffs on Australian wine, Yalumba is set to re-establish its presence, bringing a selection of Australia’s finest wines to discerning Chinese consumers.


  御兰堡酒庄全球销售总经理Simon Carter和亚太区销售总经理Craig Hadden目前正在中国,与ASC精品酒业共同推广该品牌。他们的到访凸显了御兰堡酒庄重新与中国葡萄酒爱好者和行业利益相关者建立联系的决心。御兰堡酒庄和ASC精品酒业是正在于广州、北京、上海和成都举行的澳大利亚葡萄酒巡展的重要参与者。

  Simon Carter, General Manager Global Sales and Craig Hadden, General Manager Sales for Asia Pacific of Yalumba, are currently in China to promote the brand in collaboration with ASC Fine Wines. His visit highlights Yalumba’s dedication to reconnecting with Chinese wine enthusiasts and industry stakeholders. Yalumba and ASC Fine Wines are key participants in the upcoming Wine Australia Roadshow, set to take place in Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, and Chengdu.


  Yalumba has long been celebrated for its exceptional quality and craftsmanship, earning a devoted following in China. Known for their rich flavors and distinctive character, Yalumba’s wines have made a significant mark on the market. With the lifting of import tariffs, the brand is eager to reintroduce its diverse portfolio to Chinese wine lovers, reaffirming its position as a leading Australian wine producer.


  御兰堡酒庄的Simon Carter表示:“我们很高兴重返中国,这是一个长期以来一直认可御兰堡酒庄葡萄酒品质和传承的市场。我们与ASC精品酒业的合作伙伴关系比以往任何时候都更为坚固,我们将全力以赴为中国消费者提供我们最优质的葡萄酒。”

      “We are thrilled to be back in China, a market that has always recognized the quality and heritage of Yalumba wines,” said Simon Carter of Yalumba. “Our partnership with ASC Fine Wines is stronger than ever, and we are fully committed to delivering our finest wines to Chinese consumers.”


  Makoto Nagae, CEO of ASC Fine Wines, remarked, “The removal of import tariffs marks a new chapter for Australian wines in China. We are proud to be Yalumba’s exclusive import and distribution partner in China. We are excited to showcase their exceptional wines at the Wine Australia Roadshow. Our goal is to reconnect Yalumba with its loyal customers while introducing the brand to new audiences who will undoubtedly appreciate the unparalleled quality of Yalumba wines.”



  The Wine Australia Roadshow is a pivotal event that unites industry leaders, wine enthusiasts, educators, and trade partners. It provides a platform for Australian wineries to showcase their products and engage directly with the Chinese market. This year’s roadshow will feature tastings, masterclasses, and networking opportunities, all of which will spotlight the diversity and excellence of Australian wines.


  The Chinese wine market has undergone significant changes in recent years. Despite the challenges, the demand for high-quality wines has remained robust. With the recent shifts in trade policy, Australian wine exports to China are expected to see substantial growth, creating new opportunities for renowned brands like Yalumba.

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