——「Wonder with ASC」餐饮及直销渠道路演
2024-07-03 11:42:43
来 源:
中国餐饮、企业及私人消费市场的复苏,为ASC精品酒业带来了举办一系列精彩活动的绝佳契机。近日,作为中国知名的葡萄酒进口商和经销商,ASC精品酒业在北京、广州和上海举办了「Wonder with ASC」针对餐饮及直销渠道的路演(直销渠道定义为企业和私人客户),提供了令人难忘的品酒体验,吸引了行业专业人士和私人消费者。这些活动在市场复苏之际举行,展示了ASC在高端和多样化精品葡萄酒世界中的坚定承诺。

  The revival of China’s on-premise, corporate and private consumption market has paved the way for an extraordinary series of events by ASC Fine Wines. Recently, the renowned wine importer and distributor in China hosted the “Wonder with ASC” on-premise and direct sales (i.e. corporate and private customers) roadshow in Beijing, Guangzhou, and Shanghai, offering a stunning wine tasting experience that captivated both industry professionals and private consumers. These events, held amid a recovering market, showcased ASC’s unwavering commitment to quality and diversity in the world of fine wines.



A Renaissance in the On-Premise and Direct Sales Wine Market


  The “Wonder with ASC” roadshow was more than just a series of tastings—it was a celebration of the renewed vibrancy in China’s on-premise and direct sales wine market. After six years of market adjustments and three years of pandemic-related challenges, the roadshow marked a potential new growth phase for ASC Fine Wines’ development in China’s on-premise and direct sales channels. The events were packed with eager attendees, reflecting a heightened interest in premium wine experiences. The atmosphere at each venue was electric, with customers and connoisseurs eager to explore new offerings and reconnect with familiar favorites.

  「Wonder with ASC」路演不仅仅是品鉴活动,更是对中国餐饮和直销葡萄酒市场复苏的庆祝。经历了六年的市场调整和三年的疫情挑战后,这次路演标志着ASC精品酒业在中国餐饮和直销渠道发展中的潜在新增长阶段。活动吸引了大量热情的参与者,反映了人们对高端葡萄酒体验的浓厚兴趣。每个活动现场的氛围都充满了活力,客户和爱好者们迫不及待地探索新的产品并重新连接熟悉的佳酿。


A Global Wine Journey


  ASC presented over 150 exceptional wines from renowned regions across the globe in “Wonder with ASC”. This included an impressive range of Chinese wines and newly relaunched Australian brands, following the recent lifting of the punitive import tariff. Each event drew over 300 guests, underlining the strong demand for ASC’s diverse portfolio in China’s on-premise and direct sales market. The roadshow provided an opportunity for customers to travel the world through their taste buds, experiencing the unique flavors and characteristics of wines from different countries.

  在「Wonder with ASC」路演中,ASC展示了来自全球知名产区的150多款优质葡萄酒,其中包括中国葡萄酒和因进口关税取消而重新推出的澳大利亚品牌。每场活动吸引了超过300位嘉宾,突显了中国餐饮和直销市场对ASC多样化产品组合的强烈需求。路演为客户提供了一次通过味蕾环游世界的机会,体验来自不同国家葡萄酒的独特风味和特点。


Focus on On-Premise & Direct Sales Excellence


  One of the key features of the “Wonder with ASC” roadshow this year was around wines focused on the on-premise and direct sales market, including restaurants, bars, hotels, corporate and private customers. The curated selection aimed to meet the sophisticated demands of these customers, providing them with premium wines that enhance consumers’ dining and drinking experiences. ASC showcased how these wines could be seamlessly integrated into menus and wine lists, offering sommeliers and F&B experts an extensive range of options to suit various cuisines dining and enjoyment styles as well as for personal enjoyment and as corporate gifts.

  今年「Wonder with ASC」路演的一个关键特点是专注于餐饮和直销市场的葡萄酒,包括餐厅、酒吧、酒店、企业和私人客户。精心挑选的葡萄酒旨在满足这些客户的高端需求,为消费者的用餐和饮酒体验增色。ASC展示了这些葡萄酒如何无缝融入菜单和酒单,为侍酒师和餐饮专家提供了广泛的选择,以适应各种美食、用餐和享受风格,以及个人享受和企业礼品。


Celebrating Chinese Terroir


  Chinese wines are gaining significant recognition, and ASC proudly highlighted its Chinese brands, such as Kanaan Winery and Longyu from Ningxia, and Domaine Muxin from Shangri-la, Yunnan Province. At the Beijing roadshow, guests were treated to masterclass tastings hosted by the winery owners of Kanaan Winery and Domaine Muxin together with ASC’s National Wine Education Director Dorian Tang. These sessions delved into the unique terroirs of Ningxia and Shangri-la, offering customers a deeper appreciation for the distinct qualities of these regions. The masterclasses were a highlight, providing an intimate setting for guests to learn directly from the winery owners about the nuances of Chinese viticulture.

  中国葡萄酒正获得显著认可,ASC自豪地展示了其中国品牌,如宁夏的迦南美地酒庄和龙谕酒庄,以及云南香格里拉的木杺酒庄。在北京的路演中,嘉宾们参加了由迦南美地和木杺酒庄的酒庄主与ASC全国葡萄酒教育总监唐丽燕(Dorian Tang)共同主持的大师班品鉴会。这些课程深入探讨了宁夏和香格里拉的独特风土,让客户更深刻地了解这些地区的特质。大师班是此次活动的亮点,提供了一个近距离的机会,让嘉宾直接从酒庄主那里学习中国葡萄酒的精妙绝伦。


The Return of Australian Excellence


 A standout feature of the roadshow was the reintroduction of ASC’s highly esteemed Australian brands, which had previously faced import restrictions. With the lifting of tariffs, ASC welcomed back iconic names like Yalumba, Henschke, and Leeuwin Estate. The roadshow also celebrated the addition of De Bortoli to ASC’s Australian portfolio, enhancing its already stellar selection. These brands represent some of the finest wines Australia has to offer, and their return to the Chinese market was met with great enthusiasm. Customers had the chance to sample a variety of wines, each showcasing the rich heritage and innovation of Australian winemaking.

  路演的亮点之一是重新引入了ASC备受推崇的澳大利亚品牌。随着关税的取消,ASC迎回了如御兰堡(Yalumba)、翰斯科(Henschke)和露纹酒园(Leeuwin Estate)等知名品牌。路演还庆祝了德保利酒庄(De Bortoli)加入ASC的澳大利亚产品组合,进一步增强了ASC澳洲葡萄酒的实力。这些品牌代表了澳大利亚葡萄酒酿造的精华,它们的回归在中国市场引起了极大的热情。客户有机会品尝各种葡萄酒,每款酒都展示了澳大利亚酿酒的丰富传承和创新精神。


New Prestigious Strategic Partnerships


  ASC Fine Wines continues to expand its offerings with new prestigious partnerships. The roadshow featured exquisite wines from Champagne Duval Leroy and the world-renowned Vega Sicilia. These partnerships reflect ASC’s dedication to bringing some of the world’s most coveted wines to the Chinese market. Alongside these, the roadshow showcased a diverse range of fine wines from around 40 global producers, catering to the sophisticated tastes of connoisseurs and on-premise customers alike. The inclusion of these esteemed brands underscored ASC’s commitment to providing an unparalleled selection of premium wines for the market.

  ASC精品酒业不断扩大其产品供应,与新的合作伙伴建立战略合作。路演展示了杜洛儿香槟香槟(Champagne Duval Leroy)和世界著名的维佳西里雅(Vega Sicilia)的精美葡萄酒。这些合作伙伴关系反映了ASC致力于将全球最受追捧的葡萄酒引入中国市场的决心。除了这些,路演还展示了来自约40个全球酒庄的各种优质葡萄酒,迎合了鉴赏家和餐饮客户的高端品味。这些著名品牌的加入,突显了ASC为市场提供无与伦比的优质葡萄酒选择的承诺。


Crafting Unforgettable Experiences


  "The wine selection in this roadshow is very much on-premise and direct sales driven and has been market-tested, forming powerful brand influence," said Makoto Nagae, CEO of ASC Fine Wines. "It is our desire that with our brilliant wine products that embody our focus on quality and diversity, we will create rich experiences for people and inspire delightful moments with our wines." This philosophy is at the core of ASC’s strategy, ensuring that each wine in their portfolio offers exceptional quality and a memorable experience. The roadshow events were meticulously curated to highlight the best that ASC has to offer, providing attendees with a truly immersive wine experience.

  “此次路演中的葡萄酒选择非常注重餐饮和直销市场,并经过市场检验,形成了强大的品牌影响力,”ASC精品酒业CEO长江淳(Makoto Nagae)说道。“我们希望通过专注于质量和多样性的优秀葡萄酒产品,创造丰富的体验,以葡萄酒联结彼此,点亮时光。”这一理念是ASC战略的核心,确保其产品组合中的每一款葡萄酒都提供卓越的品质和难忘的体验。路演活动精心策划,旨在突出ASC的最佳产品,为参与者提供真正沉浸式的葡萄酒体验。

A Year of Exciting Initiatives


  Looking ahead, ASC Fine Wines has an exciting calendar of events planned for 2024. These include winemakers’ dinners, exclusive parties, and immersive wine region tours designed to support the rebound of China’s wine market. "The best way to promote wine is to let consumers and customers experience it firsthand. Tasting events and winery visits create a face-to-face dialogue environment, allowing customers to better understand and experience each wine," Nagae explained. These initiatives are set to deepen the connection between customers and the exquisite offerings from ASC’s portfolio. Each event is designed to be an unforgettable experience, showcasing the passion and expertise that goes into every bottle of wine.



Embracing a New Era


  As China’s wine market undergoes a renaissance, ASC Fine Wines is at the forefront, ready to lead the charge. The “Wonder with ASC” roadshow is just the beginning of a year filled with premium wine experiences that promise to elevate the appreciation for fine wines. With a commitment to quality, diversity and customer engagement, ASC is poised to make a significant impact in the evolving landscape of China’s wine industry. This new era of growth and opportunity is a testament to ASC’s resilience and forward-thinking approach.

  随着中国葡萄酒市场进入恢复时期,ASC精品酒业走在前列,准备引领潮流。「Wonder with ASC」路演只是充满高端葡萄酒体验的一年的开始。凭借对质量、多样性和客户参与的承诺,ASC在中国葡萄酒行业不断变化的格局中即将产生重大影响。这一增长和机遇的新时期,是ASC韧性和前瞻性思维的有力见证。

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