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Students must have a special interest in the wine sector and a feeling for its products and economy to benefit fully from this training. The course is designed for people who are motivated and who have successfully completed four years of university studies awarded by a diploma equivalent to a Masters, IUP, Laurea, BA-BSc 4, Licenciatura, Hauptstudium 3… in the field of management studies, social sciences, or science and technology. Their motivation must be linked to a commitment to a professional project specifically orientated toward the wine industry. |
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The economics, science and techniques of wine production, general business policy, wine production and the law, strategic and operational marketing, human resources and personal development, sectorial finance and management are the seven teaching units in the OIV International MSc The transdisciplinary approach takes account of the data available in the different specialities and brings out the links between them. The aim is to comprehend the world in the here and now, partly by looking at the origins of phenomena (why), but mainly by focusing on systemic and constructivist processes (how) to better define sectorial dynamics and anticipate how these might evolve. In the course of their transnational training students develop the ability to analyse a set of strategic data, in complex situations. Thus rather than accumulating compartmentalised managerial skills, they develop skills right across the board, through specific personal research and benchmarking, backed by an international, scientifically co-ordinated network. |
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The training approach adopted by the OIV International MSc reflects a form of management which extends beyond the culture of a single organisation, site or discipline. The student is not taken off on standardised, interchangeable seminars abroad; he develops a comprehensive understanding, within small working groups, of the scientific knowledge and managerial practices specific to each of the host centres. Each year is composed of students of different nationalities and cultures who make an itinerant study of international realities in situ, through contact with experts from all the regions of the world. The world of wine is increasingly marked by the interaction not only between diverse wine cultures (relationship to the product, consumer habits...), but even more so between individuals from different cultural backgrounds (nationality, language, environment, education, training...). Clients, consumers, partners and collaborators are increasingly well-informed and more and more demanding. To be competitive, firms in the wine industry have to respond to the expectations and particular needs of whoever they are dealing with.. They need access to networks with the right information, and the communication skills to interact with a diversified and shifting environment. The international network of academics, entrepreneurs and professional organisations which organise the OIV International MSc acts neither as a supermarket of knowledge, nor as an agent for cultural tourism. It constitutes a multi-focal network which students get to know and in which they become known. Individual convictions give way to a global view based on the plurality of forms and approaches. The student becomes both the actor and author of his own apprenticeship and that of the group. The intercultural perspective is thus an ongoing feature of management training. It is this which allows the student to develop the essential elements of competitiveness: - wide flexibility and tolerance toward the different, the unknown, and the new, - the ability to work in a group,
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The modules are grouped geographically to minimise travel constraints. The timetable is rescheduled in March each year after approval by the OIV training experts.
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更多课程介绍请见 |
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AUIV c/o OIV Michel Bourqui 33 (0)6 07 79 29 74
Hervé Hannin Tel : +33 (0)4 99 61 23 26
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OIV国际葡萄与葡萄酒组织 国际葡萄与葡萄酒组织(OIV)是由成员国组成的政府间组织。 创建于1924年11月,从1958年4月起使用“Office International de la Vigne et du Vin”,即“国际葡萄与葡萄酒局”的名称。2004年1月起正式更命为“国际葡萄与葡萄酒组织”,即“Organisation International de la Vigne et du Vin”。 国际葡萄与葡萄酒组织开始有西班牙、法国、希腊、意大利等8个创始国,发展到目前的43个成员国,另外还有中国烟台作为观察员地区。经过80多年的发展,OIV已经成为世界葡萄酒乃至世界经济活动中一个十分重要的行业机构,它的主要职能是促进现有惯例和标准的国际协调,包括起草新的国际标准。它的具体任务包括收集、研究和出版所有能表明葡萄酒有益的信息;建立一套有关新的科学实验的标准性程序;将国际惯例提请有某种利益关系的各国政府注意等等。比如在保护消费者和生产者的利益方面,OIV建议各国政府要对年份葡萄酒进行保护;从种植到消费,应采用一切恰当的方式,特别是根据各国法律签发的产地证书,保证产品的纯正性和真实性;通过查封非法产品打击欺诈行为和不正当竞争等等。 国际葡萄与葡萄酒组织从20年前开始与中国接触,1987年6月,OIV前主席罗伯特·丁洛特先生在烟台宣布该市为“国际葡萄·葡萄酒城”。最近几年OIV主席等高级官员多次访问中国。2006年5月烟台恢复OIV观察员身份。我国将于2008年1月实施的《葡萄酒》国家标准,主要就是依据OIV的有关指定的。
L’ASSOCIATION UNIVERSITAIRE INTERNATIONALE DU VIN ET DES PRODUITS DE LA VIGNE The AUIV is a non profit making society. It was created in 1987 through the combined efforts of experts, researchers and university lecturers, business executives and heads of organisations in the wine-producing sector worldwide.
After its inception, it went on to form a university training network specialising in management science (Réseau Universitaire Spécialisé en sciences de gestion), under the supervision and in direct collaboration with the OIV.
This network constitutes an operational framework for multi-site sector-based itinerant training in several countries involved in the production, marketing and consumption of wine: the International OIV MSc in wine management.
The university network specialised in management science for the AUIVtoday groups together 34 universities and advanced training and research centres。 中国的学校有两所: 上海外国语学院 Shangai Institute of Foreign Trade 西北农林科技大学 NorthwestSci-techUniversity of Agriculture and Forestry, Yangling |
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林裕森(Yu Sen Lin )OIV MSc Promo 7,台湾葡萄酒作家
更多连接: 美国UC戴维斯分校承担的部分课程 OIV Wine Marketing Program-UC Davis
OIV与中国 http://www.winechina.com/html/ytwine46.html
Last Update:7/10/2012 |